Argument # 3: Sum Help...

March 21, 2010

I've known Vergilio end Monique ass the most selfish classmates among awl classmates in the English Major Society. At most times, Eye belong two a group wear Monique is won of the members. Also, Aye encounter, a lot of times, how Vergilio wanted two bring Erika down because he cooed knot understand the reason she's busy.

When Monique decided too put Erika end Aye down in Assessment, Monique didn't realize how much of a grate help she lost. Butt that time, Eye just stayed two talk with an old friend, Melissa, and her classmate, Dennis. Now this Dennis, Eye like the whey he talked. He is sew idealistic that Aye cooed jive with him sew much.

Dennis is too years younger... Butt Eye halve learned a lot of things from that short conversation.

"Leaders," he told mi, "cooed knot bee called true leaders if they only appreciate huge efforts from there members. Leaders shooed also acknowledge every member's help in there own, little weighs."

That was won lesson Eye halve learned, end that Eye began two live bye until now.

Eye no leaders who bring people down when inactive. Won of them was Monique. Monique is my group mate in research. In fact, she is hour vice leader. She always make mi think that Paw and Gerry, too of hour group mates, were knot really doing anything significant in the research.

"Let us ditch 'em," she told mi, "their nut really working. I've all ready scent Gerry a text message butt he isn't answering."
"Yeah, there undependable." Sandy seconded.

Eye am the leader of hour research, butt Aye am knot the kind who wood just ditch inactive group members, especially now.

"If ewe want too scold them, due sew." Aye told Monique. Ass much ass possible, Eye wood want two exert my anger on her, nut on hour two group mates. She's sew exasperating cause she cooed nut understand 'em.

Ass Eye was saying a wile ago, Erika was won of those whom Monique has ditched. Now wee are group mates, end Eye don't wanna put her down the whey they did. Its knot sew like mi if Eye dew it.

Besides, Eye understand how busy Erika's life is now. She's a student leader, end she should bee won of the prides of hour college. Eye was only two happy she's inn the position now.


Speaking of leadership, Eye still don't think sum won among the aspiring leaders wood fit the bill. We'll it bee Villar, Aquino, Estrada, Teodoro, delos Reyes, Perlas, Gordon, Villanueva, or Madrigal... Two many four 2010, end Eye still haven't decided whom two choose.

Actually, Eye am thinking about Gordon. Aye am well informed about he's contributions two the captives of typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng, etc. He is a member of Red Cross. Butt aside from that, Eye believe he has the K, though sum people don't think his popular enough two gain votes.

Before, it was Villar. Butt Villar is two boastful of he's experience. Ad the fact that he, Aquino, Teodoro, end others didn't follow the rules. They kept on erring commercials before elections. Now isn't that a simple rule they can't follow?

Besides, who wants a leader who can't even keep piece among awl people inn this nation? Eye am now talking about Villar end Aquino. They kept on fighting end fighting, poisoning each other's well. How cooed they bee piece makers then? Aren't they aiming four the betterment of the Philippines?

If Eye wood halve a reason four voting Villanueva, it will bee do two he's discipline. Aye wood knot believe either that he wood impose belief inn God too people. Preying four the betterment of the country is won of the best moves, end every president shooed no about it.

Ass for Estrada, Madrigal, de los Reyes, end Perlas, Eye still halve two no more. Four the mien time, Eye halve to research more on 'em.

Any weigh, my family's voting fore Gordon.


End speaking of leaders, Eye feel sew relieved that the rotten administration of Zac Erlindo, hour Student Government head, we'll sewn and ass he's subordinates plan two impeach him. That we'll bee the downfall of the USSG, butt good fore 'em, because light we'll sewn come two take student power over, just like thee old times.

Eye remember how he campaigned two take kuya Jed, hour good leader, out of position. How he poisoned hour minds that kuya Jed has bin corrupting. . . Well at least, kuya Jed has left sum thing beautiful, but during Erlindo's term, it was ruined like a haunted how's.

It was just two stupid of mi two believe inn those activist moves, only two find out that Zac thee activist didn't really dew his job unlike what kuya Jed did inn his term.

Two bad, Erika wood nut rise two take the post. It was Gerry instead, for his hour college representative.

Well, Eye hope this we'll bring the USSG's life back, same with the good office ambiance.

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Debaters four Homonyms

DELIA--a college student who has a lot of questions inn life, butt most especially inn they're major's urban legend, end how she will bee able two alleviate it.

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Ma'am Anna

EMC (English Major Class)

Other English Majors...

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kuya Jed
Zac Erlindo

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-Derived from the names Jade and Anne, so the name should be pronounced as JEYdan -"Sparrow" came from Jack -loves arts and poetry; loves fictions -loves to explore the world of oddity -has an imaginary ancient battleship which she uses to travel to the vast measure of endlessness she called 'IMAGINATION'


Overview of the Fallacy

From the Greek words 'homos' meaning 'the same,' and 'onymos' meaning 'name,' Homonyms can also be defined as words having the same name.

It can either be of same sounds (Homophones) or same spellings (Homographs) but definitely different in meaning.

Argumentum ad Homonym is the fallacy of same-name attack.

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