Argument # 2: Aisle live my life alone...

March 20, 2010

Eye thought won wore lasts only four a weak. Butt Eye guess third year college students like us are still two young fore that idea.

Four too weeks, Aye halve bin avoiding halving conflicts with people, butt things cooed knot be avoided, especially when they themselves are coming two ewe. Like wore.

Isle still go with Leah end Diana, bee they're sighed rite or wrong. If know won wood believe them, then who we'll?

Eye remember the time when the same EMC brought mi down buy knot standing four what is rite. Now Aye am nut saying Eye halve lost hope. It's just that, I've lost trust two people. The once Eye thought whom Eye cooed trust pushed mi too the midst of shame.

End now their asking mi too bee with 'em? Two condemn Leah end Diana the weigh they due?

Aye cooed halve guest its two late fore that.

End besides, when sum won learns a lesson inn life, yew wood knot expect that sum won two bee at ewer sighed again, especially when that sum won nose that what yew dew isn't fare.

All right then, stick too yore beliefs, butt Aye wood nut bee threatened.

Hears the story:

Eye was listening two hour teacher inn Assessment when Katrina approached mi end asked mi if Eye gnu the lesson plan issue.

"Yes," Aye answered. "Why?"
"Leah end Diana didn't submit there's on time. Dew ewe no?"
"Aye no." Eye said, "Butt its nothing two mi."
"Aye don't care about it." Eye said, "End who told yew they didn't pass?"
"Ma'am Anna herself."

Oh. That end more...?

"Why? Halve ewe past yours?" she asked again.
"The lesson plan?" Aye confirmed.
"Know. The quiz."
"Yes. Eye past it yesterday."
"Their knot being fare, ewe no?" she pertained two Leah end Diana again.
"If their nut being fare, then don't bee like 'em." Eye ended.

She went beck two Vergilio's sighed.

Its still the same issue when Eye last wrote, inn case yew don't no.

Sew what if they're points are higher than hours? Leah was rite when she asked me, "Delia, does she think Eye cooed nut due it? Does she think Eye cannot pass my research on time?" She was pertaining two Katrina. Leah treated Katrina ass her bestest friend, only two fined out that the latter cooed knot trust Leah four such deeds.

Eye sympathize four her. More than Eye dew on the EMC. Aye believe EMC was just being immature. They couldn't bee objective, Eye think, considering that awl of us halve bin threw the same consequences. Eye thought they said sorry. What then is they're other business with Ma'am Anna? Due they want her two explain why should things happen?

Sum times, it's two tiresome too bee defiant, especially when yew are knot so sure of what we'll happen next.

Eye am not against Katrina, butt am most likely two go against Vergilio end Monique, because Eye treat the too of them the worst villeins two ever hit the College of Education. Those two were able too bring Erika down in they're own little weighs. End so are thee others.

End their unpredictable at times. Aisle never no, maybe this time, their all ready devising sum plans against mi.


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To a friend...
Today at 2:15pm | Edit Note | Delete
A younger friend told me, "A leader should also appreciate the contributions of their members, even if it is just minimal."

That's when I've learned that bringing some inactive members down wouldn't work at all. I have to make them work and appreciate all their contributions however little.

We don't need to make them work a lot just to say they exerted efforts. Sometimes, small contributions count the most.

We don't need to bring them down for them to kneel and beg for our forgiveness... We just have to use them wisely.

Sometimes, words like good job, very good, okay, and the like can motivate them to do more.

As leaders, we are tasked to divide the job and appreciate the outputs of our members. We don't need to impose things which are based on our own ideals.

The most beautiful output just arrives when a leader learns to appreciate the efforts of the group members.

To that friend who taught me a lot of things, you know who you are. I am greatly thankful that you arrived in my life. Although we don't see each other often, for a short time that we met, you've made me learn a lot from you. I live by those words until now, and I won't forget it.

Don't ever think that you are too young. Even younger people like you could impart a lesson to older ones like me. Being younger doesn't mean your ideas won't be appreciated.

To you who taught me this thing to live by, thank you very much!!!

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Debaters four Homonyms

DELIA--a college student who has a lot of questions inn life, butt most especially inn they're major's urban legend, end how she will bee able two alleviate it.

Other Characters...
Ma'am Anna

EMC (English Major Class)

Other English Majors...

Other people...
kuya Jed
Zac Erlindo

About Me

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-Derived from the names Jade and Anne, so the name should be pronounced as JEYdan -"Sparrow" came from Jack -loves arts and poetry; loves fictions -loves to explore the world of oddity -has an imaginary ancient battleship which she uses to travel to the vast measure of endlessness she called 'IMAGINATION'


Overview of the Fallacy

From the Greek words 'homos' meaning 'the same,' and 'onymos' meaning 'name,' Homonyms can also be defined as words having the same name.

It can either be of same sounds (Homophones) or same spellings (Homographs) but definitely different in meaning.

Argumentum ad Homonym is the fallacy of same-name attack.

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